Worldwide Age Representation in Parliaments Dataset

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WARP Dataset Query Page

In order to query the dataset, click the  + Use dataset  button to make your selections.

  1. Select between Countries and World Regions.
  2. Select the Country or World Region you wish to query in order to reveal the Years available.
  3. Select the Years you wish to include in your query.
  4. Click the Submit button to set the query.

You can compare up to a maximum of 6 datasets.

If you want to omit any of the indicators, uncheck them from the Available Indicators list below the buttons.

Once you have all of your datasets, click the  Show results  button.

Available Indicators (uncheck all)

This should only take a few seconds.
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This site was built in part with funding from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Canada Office.

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung logo


When using the WARP dataset, we ask you to cite the following publication:

Stockemer, D., & Sundström, A. (2022). Introducing the worldwide age representation in parliaments (WARP) data set. Social Science Quarterly, 103(7), 1765-1774.

The WARP dataset is available to download and free of charge. You can use it for analysis, graphs, teaching, academic-related and non-commercial purposes.

Looking for data similar to the WARP dataset but focused on cabinets? Visit the Worldwide Age Representation in Cabinet Dataset.